December 4, 2020
As part of our online initiative to map children's voices in literature,we invited young readers (aged 8-15) to contribute to "Project Chatterbox" by reading aloud from their favourite books about chatterbox characters (talkative/sharp-witted/inquisitive/rebellious children).
We received a great response from children in various parts of India and abroad who seamlessly slid into the skin of their favourite fictional chatterboxes, lending them their voice. As we begin this series, we think it is only befitting to commence with these wonderful read-alouds!
Sunandini Sen
Age: 9 years
Sunandini is an avid reader from a young age and enjoys reading across genres except for horror stories. The
chatterbox character chosen is 'Cassie Logan' from the book Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor
Cassie Logan is a 10-year-old African-American girl living in Mississippi in the 1930s. Cassie Logan (the narrator) learns 'the way things are' and the effects of racism. Since her childhood, she is taught to look past her skin colour and racist actions to help improve her acceptance in society. Throughout the book, Cassie experiences many different forms of racism and has always shown resistance. She is portrayed as a stubborn girl with firm beliefs about what is right and what is wrong, who she likes and who she does not. She believes that respect given because it has been demanded is not respect at all.
Shubhra Sundar
Age: 12 years
Shubhra likes reading books of genres, mythology, fiction, short moral stories, science fiction, and poetry.
For the Chatterbox project, he has chosen to read an Odia story, his first language. The story is based on a child protagonist, Aman, who is rebellious for children's issues in the workforce and raises his voice against it. He sensitizes people about child labour and how it is a practice of crime against children. One day he learns one of his friends is potential child labour. He is forced by his parents to work. Aman speaks to his friend's father, a street balloon seller, not to put him at work as it's a punishable act. Aman consults his parents and supports his friend's father by purchasing all his balloons and requests him to let his son continues his education.
Nishka Sinha
Age: 11 years
Nishka loves to read and watch things that challenge her imagination and keep her on her toes. She chose Anne because like Anne, people are also always telling her she talks too much. Although she cannot stop, even when she makes up her mind.
She reads a portion of Anne of Green Gables in this particular recording. She immediately took to this character who only just wanted to speak and ask questions to her heart's content!
Maialen Cordero
Age: 10 years
"Handia naiz" ("I am Big", also by Pello Añorga), read by Maialen Cordero from Basque country. She says "I like reading books about science fiction, mistery and adventures’ books. What I liked about “Handia Naiz” is that the boy character does everything that’s in his hand to be “big”, and more generally speaking to achieve his goals."
Xabier Cordero
Age: 8 years
"Zapatagorri" (Red Shoes" by Pello Añorga), read by Xabier Cordero from Basque country. He says "I like reading books about adventures, fights and combats, fantasy and scary books. I like “Zapatagorri” because she is a brave girl."
Sloke Bhattcharyya is a student of CA Saltlake School.
Sloke writes –
"I picked this story because this is one from my favourite stories. I think, this story tells us that 'working with many people is easier than working alone'. I like this moral very much.
From this story, I like the farmhouse mouse the most. It is very small but it helped the old man and the old woman to pull the ENOROMOUS TURNIP."

Illustrations By: Sloke Bhattcharyya
Varda Arora
Class: 6th
Age: 11 years
I love to read, reading is my passion, my favourite authors are J. K Rowling and Jules Verne, J and J. I am actually a potter head.. I cannot live without reading Harry Potter, I am right now reading the 6th book of Harry Potter in the 2nd Month. A book from Jules Verne is a Journey 2 the Mysteries Island and Around the world in 80 days are my favourite.
Age: 15 years
Shivangi loves reading Agatha Christie, and also enjoys Wattpad authors. In this clip, she is reading "Maui's Kite", by Thomas Anthony Tomie dePaola. She chose this passage because she is a huge fan of Disney characters, and enjoyed the incorporation of natural elements like air and water into the film Moana.
Age: 7 years
Aarohan, who is nicknamed Pablo, studies in first standard. He is an avid reader; he spends most of his time reading stories. He chose this poem because it was one that he could relate to. He'd enact the roles of the father, mother, teacher, etc with much joy and excitement.